Monday, February 13, 2012

About me

      Shalom, I am Caroline! I love playing, singing, writing, and listening to music. I love running cross country, swimming and many other sports. I enjoy playing a multitude of sports and being mediocre at them. I just have trouble taking sports seriously enough to actually put forth true effort. I really just love doing anything adventurous and new. I honestly like all of the subjects in school, except for math. I also have trouble putting forth true effort in my studies. I don't intend to sound conceited but, I make astonishingly good grades for the amount of effort I put into making them. 
      I would like to think that the people around me think of me as funny, smart and nice. I am a little weird and crazy but, I think it's more interesting that way. I am exceedingly better about caring about what people think about me now, than I used to be. So I actually don't mind all to much, if that really is how they view me at all. .I wouldn't be shocked if some people considered me annoying. I can be. I am also unbelievably  lazy and unconfident. I get jealous easily and I am way more emotional than I would like. I don't consider myself pretty in any way and I am constantly putting myself down about little insignificant things. I am my own self's Simon, in the judging panel I created in my mind. It's rather stupid but, I am working on it.
     I love my friends! I have a lot of them I would say. They all come from a lot of different groups but, I have one group of friends I would consider my closest friends. They are obsessed with being popular. Which isn't something I'd say I'm fond of about them. They deny it but, I think that just makes them just a great example of actions speaking louder than words. I hate to admit it but, I have never met anyone I felt truly compatible with. That group and my sister are as close as I have come. I love them a lot. This is very cliche but, I love everybody truthfully. I can honestly see something great in anybody. Everyone interests me. I tend to never deny a friendship because I believe that every person you meet in your life has something to teach you and I don't like to pass up opportunities.
    Thank you!

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