Friday, February 17, 2012

#13: More Narrative Journal Entries

Flying is a possibility there, in fact anything is possible there. Anything and everything, plausible or uncanny can be achieved here. This place, where you can be Harry Potter one day and a mermaid the next, is my absolute favorite place.
It is outdoors there, I wake up to a gentle breeze and a luminescent beam of warm and inviting light protruding from the suns brilliant rays, placed on a hammock at the top of a hill overlooking the ocean.I am feeling so incredibly energized that I actually go for a 5 mile run throughout the jungle on the hill top. The weather is flawless for running, the shadows from the trees perfectly guard me from to much heat yet don't make it cold at all. It rains a few times but, not a gloomy rain with gray skies or anything, a rain that is refreshing and pleasant under the circumstances. I reach my hammock once again and I take a stupendous leap off the side of the hill into the crystal clear waters gently sloshing about below. I feel weary as a result of my run so I encounter a dolphin who happily lets me hold onto his upper fin to ride to the shore. My thin bronze body manages to find a spot in the white sand, one that isn't sweltering from the suns heat. As I am about to slumber once again I feel a great force lift me up into the blue sky. Filled with fear I open my eyes to see that my pursuer is none other than my pet elephant, named Bessie. Bessie had picked me up with her trunk and placed me kindly on her back. She then proceeded to glide up the hill side and back to my hammock gently swinging between two towering oak trees. I have a small bungalow (or tree house) placed in those trees as well. I climb up to it to retrieve a dress that flatters my figure and is very posh too.  From my window I have a zip line that leads to the town. I take that zip line down to the shore to meet my friends in the little town, that is filled with graffiti and art work of all sorts covering the walls and music and dancing illuminates the streets with vibrancy and incessant laughter.
After we dance and sing with the people of the town who, treat us like we are their absolute favorite people on the planet, especially me. We spend the day going to a water park with the most insane and thrilling rides one could possibly imagine. My friends all love me and each other with all of the hearts and I love them in return. I am the funny, carefree, and kind friend. I am crazy and smart but I am also someone they know they know they could talk to if anything was wrong. I am their first choice if they needed to talk about an issue and I have no trouble at all in finding some to talk about my problems with either. Some of my friends include Twiggy, Amanda Bynes, Rupert Grint, Jim Carrey, Daniel Tosh, Ashton Kutcher, Nicki Minaj and Emma Watson. The next day we will go on even more adventures and I am truly ecstatic for every aspect of my future to come in this glorious, inspirational and flawless place.

Monday, February 13, 2012

About me

      Shalom, I am Caroline! I love playing, singing, writing, and listening to music. I love running cross country, swimming and many other sports. I enjoy playing a multitude of sports and being mediocre at them. I just have trouble taking sports seriously enough to actually put forth true effort. I really just love doing anything adventurous and new. I honestly like all of the subjects in school, except for math. I also have trouble putting forth true effort in my studies. I don't intend to sound conceited but, I make astonishingly good grades for the amount of effort I put into making them. 
      I would like to think that the people around me think of me as funny, smart and nice. I am a little weird and crazy but, I think it's more interesting that way. I am exceedingly better about caring about what people think about me now, than I used to be. So I actually don't mind all to much, if that really is how they view me at all. .I wouldn't be shocked if some people considered me annoying. I can be. I am also unbelievably  lazy and unconfident. I get jealous easily and I am way more emotional than I would like. I don't consider myself pretty in any way and I am constantly putting myself down about little insignificant things. I am my own self's Simon, in the judging panel I created in my mind. It's rather stupid but, I am working on it.
     I love my friends! I have a lot of them I would say. They all come from a lot of different groups but, I have one group of friends I would consider my closest friends. They are obsessed with being popular. Which isn't something I'd say I'm fond of about them. They deny it but, I think that just makes them just a great example of actions speaking louder than words. I hate to admit it but, I have never met anyone I felt truly compatible with. That group and my sister are as close as I have come. I love them a lot. This is very cliche but, I love everybody truthfully. I can honestly see something great in anybody. Everyone interests me. I tend to never deny a friendship because I believe that every person you meet in your life has something to teach you and I don't like to pass up opportunities.
    Thank you!

This I believe Ideas

-Title: Attendance Policy Gone Wild
  ~ I would write about the negative effects of Hoggard's new, strict attendance policy.
-Title: Gay or Neigh?
   ~I would write about my opinions on outlawing gay marriage in North Carolina. I strongly disagree      
with it, I believe that homosexuals should have the same rights and abilities as a straight person.
-Title: Teenagers and Sleep Deprivation
   ~ I would write about all of the bad things that come from children not getting enough sleep. (My mother is into this topic, so I thought she would like this.)


Suddenly I see
The Show
Challengers   - This is an odd video, just warning you.
Murder in the City
Back to the Wild
The Golden Age
Sweeney Todd - I love this movie. I mainly love it because of Helena Bonham Carter.
The Lion King
Sweet Disposition

Quotes I Like!

  1. "He that flings dirt at another dirties himself the most." -Anonymous
  2. "Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration." – Thomas Edison
  3. "A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows you are slightly cracked." – Bernard Meltzer
  4. "If you don’t know where you want to go, any road will take you there." – African-American Proverb
  5. "No one is useless in the world who lightens the burdens of others." – Charles Dickens
  6. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." – Eleanor Roosevelt
  7. The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. – Edward Phelps
  8. "Dance as if no one is watching. Sing as if no one is listening. Love as if you have never been hurt." – unknown
  9. "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." – Robert F. Kennedy
  10. "May you live all the days of your life. – unknown"
  11. "Live every act fully, as if it were your last." – Buddha
  12. "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."  –Helen Keller
  13. "Chaos in the midst of chaos isn’t funny, but chaos in the midst of order is."  –Steve Martin
  14. "Avoid popularity if you would have peace." –Abraham Lincoln
  15. "You can’t pray a lie." –Mark Twain
  16. "Don’t tell me worrying doesn’t do any good.  Half the things I worry about never even happen." –Twain
  17. I can live for two months on a good compliment. –Mark Twain
  18. Be kind, for every one you meet is fighting a battle. –John Watson
#12: I chose number twelve because, I like adventures and new things. I feel as though it is a day wasted if I didn't have an adventure. Small adventures are sufficient and that makes it a simpler task for me ( the task being having an adventurous life,) because I enjoy so many things. I intend to live my life like an adventure, not holding back or having regrets. I would feel incomplete if it were any other way. I would like to, when I am older, look back on my life and see all of the things I did do not the things I didn't. I believe the fact that Helen Keller was the one who said it influenced my choice of quotes. She is a great role model of mine, I find her ability to achieve so much with so many struggles in her path to success inspirational. I would consider my life an adventure if I find people I love and impact them postively in some way. I plan to experience everything I can experience and everything I want to experience in my life. That may consist of small adventures like sledding down a massive hill or big adventures like saving a persons life but as long as I am proud of all I've done when I look back I will feel accomplished.